Integration between SCSN and Odoo

Connect your ERP to the fastest growing network for the manufacturing industry

Suppliers in the manufacturing industry benefit from fast data exchange. SMEs often play a central role in these supply chains but do not always have the resources (budget, time, manpower) to seamlessly integrate systems. The Smart Connected Supplier Network (SCSN) simplifies data sharing within the chain, and Callista connects this directly to your Odoo ERP system. 
It opens up a world of possibilities.

The Smart Connected Supplier Network (SCSN) was established to facilitate smoother collaboration within the manufacturing industry in Europe, says Sofie van Looveren of Callista. "This aims to make the European manufacturing industry more efficient and to enhance its international competitiveness. The goal of SCSN is to exchange information and data between manufacturers and suppliers in a much more extensive way and through a unified connection. This includes the exchange of products and prices, delivery times, orders, invoices... New messages are constantly being added, so the progress of the network never stands still."

SMEs that are somewhat automated already exchange data via an EDI connection with a customer or supplier. If you want to achieve the same with another company, you will need to set up a new connection. With SCSN, this is not necessary. The network is designed so that a company only needs to register once with an SCSN Service Provider, after which it can exchange data with all other connected companies. In this sense, the network is comparable to the telecom sector. Everyone is free to choose a provider, while still being able to communicate with everybody else.

The SCSN network has been around for several years and is actively used by hundreds of companies in the manufacturing industry. Callista is the only Odoo partner that can link companies using the Odoo ERP system to the SCSN network. "It's not so simple to connect to the network. We have made that investment, and now everyone can benefit from it," says Sofie. "This means that you can exchange data (prices, orders, invoices, delivery dates, etc.) with all the companies connected to the SCSN network, and it will be automatically processed in your Odoo ERP system. This saves a lot of time and prevents errors."

A connection with the SCSN network strengthens your competitive position, emphasizes Sofie. "It's also a marketing tool because companies that are already registered can collaborate much more efficiently. You no longer need to handle everything manually via email or phone; all important data is automatically shared. Additionally, the network offers opportunities for further acquisition with already connected companies. The address book is public. So, what are you waiting for? Connect your Odoo environment to partner companies via SCSN today."