Callista BuildEase

Simplify, Automate, Build Smarter

A successful construction project begins with an organised approach. With BuildEase, our complementary module to the powerful Odoo system, you effortlessly streamline all your processes. Whether you're on-site or in the office, we provide an all-in-one solution that makes your projects clear, from measurement and progress statements to calculation, administration, and planning.

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Webinar: Digitize Your Construction Company

Are you still using Excel spreadsheets for your measurements and progress reports? Manual work often leads to errors and inefficiencies in administration. Do you use different systems for tracking, invoicing, and post-calculation? That can cause critical errors. Register and discover the power of Callista's expertise in the construction sector.

Transform your 
construction projects 

Still using Excel spreadsheets for your measurement and progress statements? Manual work often leads to errors and inefficiencies in administration. Monitoring, invoicing, and post-calculation are frequently scattered across various systems, potentially causing critical errors.

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Customer Case: Group Advance 

Groep Advance, opgericht in 2006, bestaat uit diverse bedrijven met elk hun eigen expertise en doelgroep. De rode draad door deze bedrijven is de noodzaak om sterk gedigitaliseerd te zijn. Door te kiezen voor de BuildEase software van Calista, heeft Advance een efficiëntere en gestroomlijndere werkwijze kunnen realiseren. 

Dit maakt het mogelijk voor de verschillende teams om kennis en projecten beter te delen en op te volgen. Deze digitalisering heeft geleid tot minder dubbele werkzaamheden en een verbeterde informatie-uitwisseling, wat essentieel is voor toekomstige groeiplannen. Dankzij BuildEase kunnen ze de focus leggen op het behalen van mooie eindresultaten.

BuildEase - The answer to digitalisation in the construction sector

Our additional Odoo module, developed by the specialists at Callista, represents the digital revolution in your project administration. From importing and calculating measurements to effortlessly creating and tracking quotes, BuildEase automates and simplifies this process. Once the quote is approved, you generate a progress statement in the same system based on construction industry standards (VMSW).

Planning, monitoring, invoicing, and post-calculation are integral components of our package, designed to reduce your workload and manage your projects more efficiently.

The use of the Odoo BuildEase module from Callista has greatly simplified our workflow. There is much less room for errors, and monitoring projects is now much easier. Moreover, the employees at Callista always assist me promptly whenever I have any questions.

​Indispensable for Your Next Construction Project

Callista BuildEase is the solution you can't afford to miss. With a subscription of just €285 per month, in addition to your Odoo license, BuildEase provides the perfect tailored complement for your construction projects.    

  • No matter the number of users or projects

  • A fixed, predictable cost per month, regardless of your growth

Key Features

  • Digital follow up for measurement and calculation
  • Real-time progress statement tracking
  • Automatic invoicing based on delivered performance

  • Comprehensive project management and planning

  • Built-in customer communication and approval tools

  • Insight into completed work, margins, and profits

  • Tracking subcontractors in margin monitoring and price comparisons

  • Post-calculation, adjustments, and options

In addition to the software itself, we offer supplementary services such as system configuration, implementation, training, and custom options tailored to your organization.

Interested or would you like a demonstration right away?

Curious about what BuildEase can do for your construction projects? Get in touch with us for more information, a demo, or to discuss how BuildEase can optimize your projects.